8 July 2020
At-a-glance →08:00 - 09:00
08:45 - 09:00
Welcome Remarks
09:00 - 09:30
Macroeconomic Overview
An overview of the economic outlook for Africa.
Dr. Emmanuel Pinto Moreira
Director, Country Economics Department, African Development Bank
Dr. Emmanuel Pinto Moreira
Director, Country Economics Department, African Development Bank
M. Pinto Moreira, a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans les domaines macro-budgétaire, de la croissance, de la pauvreté, de la gouvernance économique, du commerce, de la compétitivité et du secteur financier dans les pays à revenu moyen et faible du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord, d'Asie de l'Est et d'Amérique latine des Caraïbes et de l’Afrique subsaharienne. M. Pinto Moreira est actuellement directeur du département des économistes pays de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) pour les 54 pays membres de la BAD. Il est chargé de créer un département fort et de mener le dialogue politique avec les décideurs de la région, en mettant l'accent sur les nouvelles stratégies de croissance, les problèmes liés au piège des pays à revenu moyen, les politiques fiscales et les stratégies de réduction de la dette. Avant de rejoindre la BAD, M. Pinto Moreira était économiste principal régional pour la région MENA au sein du Groupe de la Banque mondiale.
À ce titre, il était chargé de mener le dialogue politique avec les autorités des pays du Maghreb sur la conception de documents de vision et de fournir des conseils stratégiques sur les principaux problèmes économiques auxquels ces pays étaient confrontés, en particulier sur les moyens d'éviter ou de se soustraire du piège du pays à revenu intermédiaire. À la Banque mondiale, il a également dirigé la préparation des rapports pays sur les perspectives macroéconomiques pour 18 pays, la revue de macroéconomie et finances pour la région MENA et a géré le programme de connaissances dans la région MENA. En tant que chef de l’équipe de pratique mondiale (Global Practice) chargée de la gestion macroéconomique et budgétaire (MFM), le Dr Pinto Moreira était chargé de la conception du programme de travail des économistes de cette pratique et de garantir que les produits livrés aient un impact sur le développement des pays concernés.
Avant de rejoindre la Banque mondiale, M. Pinto Moreira a travaillé au Fonds Monétaire International (FMI) en tant qu’économiste principal au Département Moyen- Orient et Asie centrale chargé des questions fiscales et a été conseiller principal auprès du Directeur exécutif des 24 pays africains francophones. Professeur d'économie, il a enseigné des cours de premier cycle en macroéconomie, statistiques, économétrie et microéconomie dans les universités de Nancy et de Metz. M. Pinto Moreira est l'auteur de nombreux articles et publications de recherche, notamment de la Banque mondiale. Pinto Moreira est titulaire d'un doctorat et d'une maîtrise en macroéconomie de l'Université de Lorraine (France).
09:30 - 10:00
Ministerial Panel
What reforms, strategies and initiatives are being developed by the region’s governments to encourage investment and drive growth in the tourism and hospitality sectors?
Philippe Doizelet
Managing Partner, Horwath HTL
Philippe Doizelet
Managing Partner, Horwath HTL
Partner of the Paris and Abidjan offices of Horwath HTL, Philippe Doizelet started his career as a consultant with Horwath & Horwath then KPMG before joining Accor as Corporate Research Director. He joined Horwath HTL France as a partner in 2006 and founded the Abidjan office in 2016.
Specialized in hotel market and feasibility studies, Philippe has managed over 300 development studies in France and internationally including 31 African countries.
Philippe Doizelet is regularly invited to speak at leading Hotel Investment Conferences and is a contributor to several industry publications (Global Hotel Network, Hotels News Now …).
He is a member of the RICS.
In conversation with:
M. Siandou Fofana
Ministre du Tourisme et des Loisirs, Côte d'Ivoire
M. Siandou Fofana
Ministre du Tourisme et des Loisirs, Côte d'Ivoire
Diplômé d’un 3ème cycle en Finances, Ingénierie d’Affaires et Négoce International à Institut Supérieur du Commerce de Paris, et d’études Financières et Comptables à l’Institut National des Techniques Economiques et Comptables de Paris, le Ministre du Tourisme et des Loisirs, M. Siandou FOFANA compte à son actif, plusieurs années d’expériences dans les domaines du développement et du financement des Infrastructures.
Directeur Général du Fonds d’Entretien Routier (FER) depuis 2009, Monsieur Siandou FOFANA fut Directeur Administratif et Financier de ladite structure de 2008 à 2009. Il a assuré avec brio la Présidence de l’Association des Fonds d’Entretien Routier Africains (AFERA) de 2012 à 2015 et en est à ce jour le 1er Vice-Président.
M. Siandou FOFANA fut Directeur des Projets et du Développement (2007 à 2008), Conseiller Financier (2005-2007) de la Société d'Exploitation et de Développement Aéroportuaire, Aéronautique et Météorologique (SODEXAM) et Vice-président du Conseil d’Administration de la Caisse d’Epargne et de Crédit Agricole en charge du crédit, du contrôle de Gestion et de l’Audit à Abidjan.
Il fut également membre du Comité d’Etudes et d’analyse du projet de la Zone d’Activités et de ville aéroportuaire auprès du Ministre des Infrastructures Economiques.
Passionné de voyages, de lecture et de football, M. Siandou FOFANA est un ardent défenseur du patrimoine touristique ivoirien, et reconnu par tous comme un amoureux de la Côte d’Ivoire.
Plusieurs fois à la tête d’organisations et d’associations professionnelles, Monsieur le Ministre Siandou FOFANA ambitionne de faire du secteur Touristique et Hôtelier, le 3ème pôle économique de la Côte d’Ivoire.
Kossivi Egbetonyo
Ministre de la Culture, du Tourisme et des Loisirs, République Togolaise
Kossivi Egbetonyo
Ministre de la Culture, du Tourisme et des Loisirs, République Togolaise
Né le 31 décembre 1971 à Djon (Préfecture de l'Akébou), Monsieur Kossivi EGBETONYO a un niveau d'étude Cycle ENA III, Magistrature et un profil de Juriste, Magistrat et administrateur. Il a occupé plusieurs fonctions dans son cursus professionnel. Il été entre autres Juge d’Instruction au TPI de Sotouboua de 2001 à 2006, Juge d’Instruction au TPI de Sansannné- Mango de 2006 à Juin 2009. De Juin 2009 à octobre 2010 il fut Directeur de cabinet du Ministre de L’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat. Conseiller technique et Directeur de cabinet du Garde des sceaux respectivement sur les périodes de 1er janvier 2012 au 20 septembre 2012 et 21 septembre 2012 au 24 janvier 2019, il entre dans le gouvernement avec le portefeuille de la culture, du Tourisme et des Loisirs.
10:00 - 10:30
Tourism and Connectivity
A discussion with stakeholders from the Aviation industry on their visions and strategies for the development of the region’s travel and tourism sectors.
Olivier Baric
Aviation Director, Africa, EGIS
Olivier Baric
Aviation Director, Africa, EGIS
10:30 - 11:00
Hotel Performance in Africa
Thomas Emanuel
Director, STR
Thomas Emanuel
Director, STR
Thomas Emanuel is a Director at STR. He is based in London, and leads
a team focused on driving business with Industry Partners.
has spent his entire career in the hotel industry, beginning in 2000
with Miki Travel, before joining Hyatt Hotel & Resorts, where he
gained experience in corporate sales at both the worldwide sales office
and at property level. Thomas then led the corporate sales function for
Hazlitt’s Hotels, a group of independent boutique hotels in London.
In 2006, Thomas joined the Deloitte HotelBenchmark team, where he was
responsible for creating and leading the department’s business
development function. He held this role until the formation of STR in
March 2008, and had since focused on overseeing STR’s rapid expansion
outside North America. Throughout his time with STR, Thomas has gained a
wealth of experience working with hotels, investors, developers,
consultants, banks, governments, destination management companies and
many others.
Thomas has been a guest lecturer at Ecole
hôtelière de Lausanne, and been invited and participated in the OECD's
high level meetings on tourism policies.
Travelling extensively, Thomas has worked in over 45 countries across 6 continents and regularly speaks at major hospitality conferences around the world. He is also frequently interviewed for his insights on the hotel industry by news outlets including CNN, Bloomberg, CNBC, as well as various tourism and hospitality publications.
Philippe Gauguier
Partner and Co-Director, In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hospitality (IE TCH)
Philippe Gauguier
Partner and Co-Director, In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hospitality (IE TCH)
Philippe Gauguier is Partner and Co-Director at In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hospitality (IE TCH), based in Paris.
After graduating from hotel school and acquiring solid experience in the different departments of a hotel, Philippe participated in the development of a French hotel chain before turning to hospitality consulting.
In addition to hotels, which remains his preferred field, Philippe is heavily involved in all aspects of tourism development, from health tourism (spas, thalassotherapy, etc.), golf tourism and casinos to business tourism (convention centers, etc.), both in France and abroad.
Initially specialized in market research and analysis, Philippe has rapidly become a leading expert in hotel asset valuation, as a member of RICS.
In partnership with STR, Philippe heads up the most representative statistical observatory on hotel performance in France, as well as on tourism residences, thalassotherapy, French hotel supply, Moroccan and Tunisian hotel industry performance.
Philippe also organizes regular hotel trend conferences in France, Morocco and Tunisia, and lectures at leading French business schools.
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00
Global Consumer Trends
Analysis of recent global consumer trends, and their impact on the African hospitality sector.
Olivier Petit
Partner, In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hospitality
Olivier Petit
Partner, In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hospitality
Olivier Petit has been a partner at In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hotels, a member of Deloitte, since 2001. After graduating from Skéma (ex. Ceram), he specialised in tourism marketing and now leads a team of 25 consultants expert in market and feasibility studies, asset valuation and strategic studies in the tourism arena.
Olivier works for public and private actor, undertaking consulting missions in the field of tourism and hospitality. His expertise is internationally recognised, particularly in the field of strategic tourism development studies: analysis of opportunities for the creation of structuring facilities, market and feasibility studies for private groups, positioning analysis for destinations, assistance in the creation and implementation of public aid schemes, setting up of operations, etc.
Olivier also organises regular hotel trend conferences in France and lectures at leading French business schools.
Zouhaier Sammoud
Manager - Consulting Tourisme, Deloitte Afrique
Zouhaier Sammoud
Manager - Consulting Tourisme, Deloitte Afrique
Zouhaier est Manager en stratégie et opération spécialisé en Tourisme au sein de Deloitte Conseil Tunisie. Il dispose de 14 ans d’expérience dans le management et le conseil opérationnel.
Depuis son intégration au sein de Deloitte, Zouhaier a pu acquérir des connaissances sectorielles fines en Tunisie et à l’international. Il a été principalement impliqué sur des thématiques liés à la stratégie et la mise en œuvre des actions priorisée.
Avant d’intégrer Deloitte, il a travaillé en tant que Directeur Général d’hôtels en Tunisie et à l’international et a développé une approche pragmatique de l’excellence du service orienté client.
Zouhaier a mené un projet de labellisation en Tourisme et a animé des formations en soft-skills pour les formateurs ce qui lui a permis de consolider son approche collaborative et consensuelle aussi bien avec le secteur public que privé.
11:45 - 12:30
The Operator's Panel
What are the strategies for leading operators in the region?
Philippe Doizelet
Managing Partner, Horwath HTL
Philippe Doizelet
Managing Partner, Horwath HTL
Partner of the Paris and Abidjan offices of Horwath HTL, Philippe Doizelet started his career as a consultant with Horwath & Horwath then KPMG before joining Accor as Corporate Research Director. He joined Horwath HTL France as a partner in 2006 and founded the Abidjan office in 2016.
Specialized in hotel market and feasibility studies, Philippe has managed over 300 development studies in France and internationally including 31 African countries.
Philippe Doizelet is regularly invited to speak at leading Hotel Investment Conferences and is a contributor to several industry publications (Global Hotel Network, Hotels News Now …).
He is a member of the RICS.
In conversation with:
Karim Cheltout
Regional Vice President - Development, Africa, Marriott International
Karim Cheltout
Regional Vice President - Development, Africa, Marriott International
Karim has over 18 years of experience in hotel real estate development, finance and investments. In his current role, Karim is focusing on growing Marriott International's footprint across the African continent, with emphasis on the region's fastest-growing hotel and travel markets. Karim joined Marriott International in 2010 as Vice president of Development for Africa.
Prior to joining Marriott International, Karim was a Director at Istithmar. In his role he was responsible for origination and acquisitions of hotel and leisure opportunities globally. Prior to that, Karim was with Ernst & Young Transactions Real Estate Advisory in the MENA office. Karim started his career in hotel operations and consulting. He has advised many hospitality companies, investors and lenders on M&A transactions, strategy and development opportunities within Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Holds a Masters in Hospitality Administration from the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, in Switzerland.
Réda Faceh
Vice President Development Northern & Western Africa, Accor
Réda Faceh
Vice President Development Northern & Western Africa, Accor
Réda started his career in Paris at Xerox spending two years working as Key Account Manager.
His career with Accor started in 2001 and Reda has had the responsibility of defining, deploying and managing the sales strategy of Accor Morocco from luxury to economic segments during 8 years as Country Sales Director.
Since 2008 he has held the position of Development Director for Morocco after being promoted in 2012 as Development Director for Morocco, Tunisia & Libya.
From 2009 to 2012, Reda has had also the responsibility as Board member to launch the joint-venture SMHE which has developed the first low-cost hotels chain in Morocco with Ibis Budget Hotels.
As VP Development from 2014, Réda is responsible for the development of AccorHotels brands from luxury to economic segments in Northern & Western Africa.
From 2018, Reda has also been appointed as Board member of the joint-venture SIEHA which develop as investor Ibis & Novotel in Algeria (7 hotels under operation).
Réda Faceh holds a Master in “Service Industry Management” from EM Lyon Business School in Lyon (France).
Erwan Garnier
Senior Director Development, French & Portuguese Speaking Africa, Radisson Hotel Group
Erwan Garnier
Senior Director Development, French & Portuguese Speaking Africa, Radisson Hotel Group
Based in Cape Town, Erwan looks after the Group’s strategic growth across 25 countries in French and Portuguese Speaking Africa demonstrating a focus and commitment for Radisson across the African Continent.
Tasked with increasing the Group’s regional hotel portfolio, Erwan is an expert deal-maker, leading transactions from sourcing through to execution. He is proficient in legal contract negotiations, due diligence and financial analysis. He oversees the underwriting, strategic planning, investment analysis and asset management activities for all type of deal structuring, including conversions and take overs, financial commitments, franchise and straight management agreements.
Previously, Erwan’s hospitality experience includes the launch and management of his own consulting firm, Mise en Place, out of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He also worked with Hilton Worldwide as a Director Brand Performance Support in London, UK and as General Manager with Accor in San Francisco, USA and French Polynesia, Asia.
French National, Erwan is also fluent in English and Portuguese with good knowledge of Spanish. Erwan has a bachelor’s degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management from Hotel Management School of Paris and a MBA in International Hospitality Management, AACSB-EQUIS accredited majoring in Corporate Finance and Development from Cornell University and ESSEC Group – IMHI.
Olivier Jacquin
Chief Executive Officer, Mangalis Hotel Group
Olivier Jacquin
Chief Executive Officer, Mangalis Hotel Group
With almost 30 years of experience in international tourism field, Olivier Jacquin is since 2014 the CEO of Mangalis Hotel Group.
For 10 years, he was Vice President Sales, Marketing & Distribution for Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group. Prior to that he held senior positions at Concorde Hotels & Resorts then Europcar International.
Based in Barcelona, Mangalis Hotel Group is the hospitality division of Teyliom Group, a multisectoral African holding.
Mangalis' main objectives are to develop and operate innovative hotels. Mangalis has currently invested in 9 West African countries to revitalised and reinvent the current offering.
By 2021, with 15 hotels in operation or under development, Mangalis aims at becoming the benchmark of the African Hospitality offering in terms of service quality, innovation and healthy growth. Mangalis manages 3 brands: Noom Hotels (Upscale hotels) Seen Hotels (Midscale hotels) and Yaas Hotels (Economy Lifestyle).
Andreas Tscherning
COO International, Louvre Hotels Group
Andreas Tscherning
COO International, Louvre Hotels Group
A Swedish national and a graduate of the Lausanne Hotel School, Andreas has held managerial positions in Switzerland and Africa in various hotel groups such as Sheraton and Mövenpick. He started with Louvre Hotels Group in 2008 as Managing Director of the Golden Tulip Kumasi City in Ghana. He then joined the Paris headquarters in 2010 as Director of Operations for the Mediterranean, for the Europe Franchise and then for the international. Since 2017, he has held the position of Chief Operating Officer of the Group (Chief Operating Officer International). International operations represent around 450 hotels in around fifty countries.
12:30 - 13:00
The APO Interview Series
A conversation with Ismahill Diaby, of global payments technology leader VISA, on the potential of the African continent in terms of technology, innovation and economic development. What are the current global payment trends and how are they impacting the hospitality sector?
Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard
Founder & Chairman, APO Group
Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard
Founder & Chairman, APO Group
Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard is the Founder, chairman and 100% owner of APO Group, the leading media relations consultancy firm and press release distribution service in Africa and the Middle East. APO Group is working with more than 300 clients, ranging from governments to international institutions, prominent personalities and companies. Clients include Facebook, Uber, GE, Orange, DHL, Philips, the NBA, Standard Chartered Bank, Siemens, Canon, PwC, EY, McKinsey & Company, flydubai, DP World, just to name a few. While APO Group’s Advisory division also serve clients like Aliko Dangote, the International Criminal Court and many more.
APO Group’s strategic partners include Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters and CNBC Africa. APO Group is the Main Official Sponsor of World Rugby’s African association, Rugby Africa, and the strategic partner of Getty Images in Africa and the Middle East. In December 2018, Nicolas stepped down as CEO of APO Group and appointed Lionel Reina as CEO. Lionel Reina is the former CEO of the EEMEA region (Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa) for Orange Business Services, the B2B division of French telecoms company Orange S.A.. Reina has also served as Chairman of the Board of Orange Business Saudi Arabia, and Middle East Director in the Gulf region for Accenture. As Chairman, Pompigne-Mognard is focusing on delivering high-level counsel for the company’s clients and developing his investment fund dedicated to Africa.
In conversation with:
Ismahill Diaby
General Manager Western & Central Africa, Visa
Ismahill Diaby
General Manager Western & Central Africa, Visa
Ismahill DIABY joined Visa in August 2013.
After 17 years of professional experience mainly spent in the financial services and banking industries in Europe & Africa, He joined Visa International Moroccan offices, as a Business Development Leader for Western Francophone Africa before taking the lead of the Western & Central Francophone & Lusophony Africa region (17 countries) managed from the new Visa offices in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). He oversees Visa’s operations in the region.
Before joining Visa, Ismahill DIABY successively held the following positions: Regional Marketing Manager for West Africa at Western Union where he managed during 7 years the Marketing and Business Development for nine (9) Francophone & Anglophone countries in West Africa and he most recently spent 3 years with BNP Paribas where he successively held the positions of Head of Business Development and Deputy Director of Retail Banking of their subsidiary in Cote d’Ivoire.
He holds a Master Degree in Management of Financial institutions of the University of Clermont-Ferrand in France and a Master in Marketing, Communication & Business Strategy of the Business School INSEEC Paris (France). He is also a member of the African Leadership Network (ALN). ALN is made up of over 1,500 members and alumni from over 40 African countries who represent leadership in the private sector, government, civil society and academia in Africa.
13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 17:30
Join us for round table ‘brainstorming sessions’ with your fellow attendees. These sessions allow you to meet new contacts and share ideas; a great ice-breaker and an excellent way to gain industry knowledge. Network, demonstrate your expertise to potential partners and gain insight from industry leaders in an intimate setting. Each table will be hosted by several industry experts who will lead the discussion.
14:30 - 16:00
Round Tables I
Regional Focus
A look at the regional nuances of the African continent – What is the performance and pipeline of these very different markets? Where are the investment opportunities and what are the challenges to be aware of? What you need to know about hotel investment, development and operation in these regions.
Room A: North Africa
Réda Faceh
Vice President Development Northern & Western Africa, Accor
Réda Faceh
Vice President Development Northern & Western Africa, Accor
Réda started his career in Paris at Xerox spending two years working as Key Account Manager.
His career with Accor started in 2001 and Reda has had the responsibility of defining, deploying and managing the sales strategy of Accor Morocco from luxury to economic segments during 8 years as Country Sales Director.
Since 2008 he has held the position of Development Director for Morocco after being promoted in 2012 as Development Director for Morocco, Tunisia & Libya.
From 2009 to 2012, Reda has had also the responsibility as Board member to launch the joint-venture SMHE which has developed the first low-cost hotels chain in Morocco with Ibis Budget Hotels.
As VP Development from 2014, Réda is responsible for the development of AccorHotels brands from luxury to economic segments in Northern & Western Africa.
From 2018, Reda has also been appointed as Board member of the joint-venture SIEHA which develop as investor Ibis & Novotel in Algeria (7 hotels under operation).
Réda Faceh holds a Master in “Service Industry Management” from EM Lyon Business School in Lyon (France).
Leila Farah Mokaddem
Country Manager, Morocco, The African Development Bank
Leila Farah Mokaddem
Country Manager, Morocco, The African Development Bank
Recently appointed as Country manager & Resident representative of the African Development Bank in Morocco, Leila Farah Mokaddem was the Resident Representative of the AfDB in Egypt from 2014 to 2017. Prior to that, she occupied the positions of Regional Resident Representative in Dakar, Senegal, and head of financial institutions where she designed innovative financial solutions for Africa including the African SME Guarantee Fund, AfDB trade finance Initiative and the women in business initiative. Leila managed multibillions investment portfolio in 35 African countries in particular in infrastructure and financial services sectors. Prior to AfDB, Leila was long-term fiscal advisor to the IMF. She started her carrier at the Ministry Economy of Tunisia and has MBA degree in Finance and International trade, respectively. Leila is sitting at the Board of the Afreximbank.
Room B: Francophone West Africa
Rose Bakri
Chief Financial Officer, Louvre Hotels Africa
Rose Bakri
Chief Financial Officer, Louvre Hotels Africa
Rose joined Louvre Hotels in 2014 as CFO for Golden Tulip Afrique Francophone & East Africa. Before that, Rose held senior management positions as a financial controller in various companies (Danone, Danfoss, and Pizza Hut). Beside supporting Louvre Hotels development in Africa, Rose is providing expertise, methods & management training in high risk environment. Regular instructor for the Mining School in Paris, Rose have a Master degree in Occupational Psychology as well as an MBA in Finance.
Franco- Lebanese National, Rose speaks French English and Arabic.
Clémence Derycke
Consultant, Leisure & Tourism Development - West & Central Africa, Horwath HTL
Clémence Derycke
Consultant, Leisure & Tourism Development - West & Central Africa, Horwath HTL
Graduated from Paris Institute of Political Studies with a Master Degree in Urban and Regional Policies and Strategies, Clémence started her career in tourism in the MICE sector, working for a fairs and exhibitions organisor as a marketing coordinator. Having joined Horwath HTL in 2016, Clémence has mainly works on tourism & leisure market and feasibility studies. In 2018, she joined the regional office in Abidjan to realise hotel market and feasibility studies in Central and Western Africa as well. She is now in charge of leisure & tourism business development in the subregion.
Fatimata Ndoye
Directrice Générale, Mercure Cab
Fatimata Ndoye
Directrice Générale, Mercure Cab
Mme Fatoumata Bintou Rassoul NDOYE, diplômée de Paris Descartes et des Hautes Etudes Internationales et Politiques de Paris. Ancienne Directrice des opérations de ELYKSIR. Directrice du cabinet MERCURE spécialisé en conseil stratégique et Business Diplomacy. Porte parole, chargée du développement du comité de pilotage du Dispositif de Financement des Grands Projets Immobiliers et Hôteliers (DISFIN - GPIH).
Charlotte Specht
Business Development Director, Mangalis Hotel Group
Charlotte Specht
Business Development Director, Mangalis Hotel Group
With a strong experience in hospitality development in West and Central Africa, Charlotte Specht is since 2018 the Business Development Director of Mangalis Hotel Group.
For 6 years, Charlotte has been working as a consultant and then West and Central Africa Director for Horwath HTL, global leader in hospitality and tourism consulting. She launched the regional office in Abidjan in 2015, covering West and Central Africa.
Based in Abidjan and Barcelona, Mangalis Hotel Group is the hospitality division of Teyliom Group, a multisectoral African holding founded in 2012.
Mangalis´ main objectives are to develop and operate innovative hotels. Mangalis has currently invested in 9 West African countries to revitalised and reinvent the current offering.
By 2021, with 15 hotels in operation or under development within its 3 brands: Noom Hotels (Upscale hotels) Seen Hotels (Midscale hotels) and Yaas Hotels (Economy Lifestyle).
Room C: Anglophone West Africa
Ewan Cameron
Director – Africa, Westmont Hospitality
Ewan Cameron
Director – Africa, Westmont Hospitality
Ewan Cameron leads Westmont Hospitality’s Operations and Development in Africa.
Ewan has previously held senior roles with IHG, African Sun and Lonrho Hotels;
- VP Franchise Operations, EMEA, InterContinental Hotels Group
- Head of Development Africa, InterContinental Hotels Group
- Managing Director (Non Zimbabwe) African Sun Hotels
- CEO Lonrho Hotels
Trevor Ward
Managing Director, W Hospitality Group
Trevor Ward
Managing Director, W Hospitality Group
Trevor Ward is a specialist consultant in the hospitality, leisure and real estate industries. He is the Managing Director of the Lagos-based W Hospitality Group, and Chairman of Hotel Partners Africa.
His industry experience spans over 40 years, and includes advising clients on hotel, tourism and leisure development in over 90 countries across the globe, and in 39 in Africa. With a special focus on sub-Saharan Africa, he works with many of the international hotel groups seeking a presence there, and with financial institutions, investors and entrepreneurs across the continent. He is regarded as one of the foremost experts on the hotel industry in sub-Saharan Africa, and is engaged primarily in development consultancy, ranging from investment appraisals to operator selection, asset management, valuations and agency.
16:00 - 17:30
Round Tables II
Room A:
Hotel Development
A detailed discussion on the 5 major stages of a hotel project. What partners do you need for each phase, and what are the risks to be identified?
- Development Planning
- Assembling the development team
- Feasibility study
- Project implementation and operation
- Management and closure
Youssef Chraibi
Associate Director, MAGESPRO Africa
Youssef Chraibi
Associate Director, MAGESPRO Africa
Youssef CHRAIBI holds 20 year experience in the property and hospitality industries and combines global market knowledge gained in 4 continents.
Youssef started his career in Property and Asset Management in Canada. He then moved to UAE and contributed to the development of high-rise office buildings in new economic zones for the Government of Dubai. He returned to Morocco with EMAAR to lead the development of large scale projects, including mixed-use urban district development.
Youssef graduated from La Sorbonne in Paris and HEC in Montreal. He has been a visiting professor at the American University of Dubai and HEM business school in Rabat, Morocco.
He founded along with his partner Paco BRICENO in 2011 MAGESPRO, a multidisciplinary international consulting firm with a high capacity to enlarge the range of real estate services.
Later in 2017, they founded MAGESPRO Africa to pursue emerging opportunities in the continent.
Chadi Hauch
Vice President Lodging Development for Africa, Marriott International
Chadi Hauch
Vice President Lodging Development for Africa, Marriott International
Mark Sopp
Senior Vice President & Principal, SB Architects
Mark Sopp
Senior Vice President & Principal, SB Architects
With more than 25 years of international and domestic mixed-use and hospitality master planning, conceptual design and project management experience, Mark Sopp has an acute understanding of business operations and innovative design principles. He works with developers and design teams to lead projects through a coordinated process to ensure the end product reflects the client’s goals and vision. As the former Director of the Retail and Mixed-Use Studio at Callison, he was the lead designer for the Ala Moana Center expansion and the revitalization of the Royal Hawaiian Center, which won the 2008 Honolulu AIA Merit Award. Shanghai’s mixed-use Grand Gateway development and the Ayala Center Greenbelt in Manila - winner of the 2003 ULI Award of Excellence design direction.
Emil Youssefzadeh
Chairman, STM Group, Inc.
Emil Youssefzadeh
Chairman, STM Group, Inc.
Mr. Youssefzadeh founded Salim Group in 2008 for the purpose of investments in emerging markets and ICT ventures. He is also the chairman of STM Group Inc. which he founded in 1984 and led its phenomenal success. Widely regarded as a pioneer in the VSAT industry, his accomplishments include: the launch of a domestic satellite program in his native country, Iran, in the 1970s; research and development on satellite communication systems at Hughes Aircraft, the predecessor to Boeing Satellite systems, and subsequent creation of several companies from start-up through exit. In 2013 he launched a new company for providing satellite broadband services in Africa. He earned his Masters and Engineering Degrees in Electrical Engineering, with a focus on information theory and satellite communications, from Stanford University.
Room B:
How to invest in hospitality
Understanding the risks, challenges, particularities and realities of investing in hospitality in Africa. What judicial, fiscal and financial aspects do investors need to be aware of?
Yacouba Coulibaly
Partner, ASAFO & CO.
Yacouba Coulibaly
Partner, ASAFO & CO.
Yacouba advises on project finance. His practice focuses on a wide range of sectors, including roads, railways, airports and ports, agriculture, renewables, conventional power and oil & gas, as well on energy & infrastructure.
With more than 25 years of experience, Yacouba has represented project finance clients, including major African and international development banks, commercial lenders and sponsor groups.
In particular, his expertise focuses on:
- the negotiation of asset receivables facilities and related security interests;
- hedging transactions
- Project finance
- financial restructuring of loans;
- M&A transactions
Olivier Petit
Partner, In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hospitality
Olivier Petit
Partner, In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hospitality
Olivier Petit has been a partner at In Extenso Tourism, Culture & Hotels, a member of Deloitte, since 2001. After graduating from Skéma (ex. Ceram), he specialised in tourism marketing and now leads a team of 25 consultants expert in market and feasibility studies, asset valuation and strategic studies in the tourism arena.
Olivier works for public and private actor, undertaking consulting missions in the field of tourism and hospitality. His expertise is internationally recognised, particularly in the field of strategic tourism development studies: analysis of opportunities for the creation of structuring facilities, market and feasibility studies for private groups, positioning analysis for destinations, assistance in the creation and implementation of public aid schemes, setting up of operations, etc.
Olivier also organises regular hotel trend conferences in France and lectures at leading French business schools.
Zouhaier Sammoud
Manager - Consulting Tourisme, Deloitte Afrique
Zouhaier Sammoud
Manager - Consulting Tourisme, Deloitte Afrique
Zouhaier est Manager en stratégie et opération spécialisé en Tourisme au sein de Deloitte Conseil Tunisie. Il dispose de 14 ans d’expérience dans le management et le conseil opérationnel.
Depuis son intégration au sein de Deloitte, Zouhaier a pu acquérir des connaissances sectorielles fines en Tunisie et à l’international. Il a été principalement impliqué sur des thématiques liés à la stratégie et la mise en œuvre des actions priorisée.
Avant d’intégrer Deloitte, il a travaillé en tant que Directeur Général d’hôtels en Tunisie et à l’international et a développé une approche pragmatique de l’excellence du service orienté client.
Zouhaier a mené un projet de labellisation en Tourisme et a animé des formations en soft-skills pour les formateurs ce qui lui a permis de consolider son approche collaborative et consensuelle aussi bien avec le secteur public que privé.
18:30 - 21:00